"Maki Makulo"

Platformer & Adventure game for gameboy designed by a 6 years old child.

  (Release date of demo version: End of March 2025)


   In this immersive semi-platform adventure for game boy, our main character must rescue his beloved friends from the frightening mind control of an evil creature.

After each rescue, our friend will lend us his powers, so that we are able to use them in the following missions.

Our reliable sport car will bring us to each mission, where our time to kick some ass will begin by defeating all of our arch-enemy minions.

Who is the girl with green skin that guides us? Why does she seem to know everything beforehand? Should we trust her?

All of these questions will be answered in due course.


   The soundtrack of this game is a gameboy remastered version of the best kind of music ever composed by a human being, the kind of music gods listen to when they are observing the hugeness of the universe:  CLASSICAL MUSIC.

The soundtrack will make the head of our younger players explode, as before they notice, they will be humming great hits from Ravel, Albeniz, Strauss.. and other great composers.

  • Main designer, story:  My 6 years old child
  • Coding, music & Art:  Play Makina

   This game is under development, we are working hard 💪 to complete it. Meanwhile, you can watch our first teaser here! YouTube

Follow us on social networks so that you do not miss the release date:

  • The Main designer’s mum:  For taking care of him while I am coding.
  • Retro Game Shop:  For your physical help :)
  • Aslı & RedesPDJ:  For your invaluable marketing advice
  • Pixel Black & Digital Mind:  For bringing me back to developing video games
  • My family & close friends: For your unconditional support and for being the best alpha testers.


Do not stop the party!

”Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.”