GBStudio dialog extraction

How to extract all dialog texts of your GBStudio project.

Whatโ€™s up, makina! ๐ŸŽง

This tutorial is especially useful in case you need to translate your Game Boy game and need to send all of your dialogues to a translator in a single file.

Place all your dialogues of your GBStudio project in a separate script and call it every time you want to show a dialog to the player.

After that, go to the folder structure of your project and locate your dialogue script in the folder:


Finally, use Notepad++ to mark all the text properties of the JSON script with this regex:

"text": ([^\]]+)\"

and copy all of them to a new file.

I have also made a video tutorial explaining step by step how to do it: YouTube

You can download this demonstration project from here:

Do not stop the party!

โ€Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.โ€ - Louis D. Brandeis